Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment
Salivary Gland Cancer and Methods of Treatment
There are three main methods of treatment for cancer
- Surgical Treatment
- Radiation Treatment
- Chemotherapy – Drug Treatment
No matter where in the body the cancer is located, it is possible that one or up to three of these methods can be used to treat the cancer.
Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment slightly differs from the treatment to other types of cancers. As we expand and observe developments and our experiences in the medical field we have found that some forms of cancer may develop and spread to remote parts of the body by way of the nerves, blood or lymphatic vessels. Chemotherapy may be ineffective or surgery alone may or may not work with certain types of cancers. Due to these reasons we must firstly diagnose and establish what type of cancer is prevalent.
Due to the richness in the tissue and texture of the Salivary Glands it is possible to come across a very wide variety of cancer types. The type of cancer once found and identified, its rate of growth and spread will determine the treatment options available. As physicians we will begin to evaluate according to these findings thus begin appropriate treatment.
There is a treatment planning process whereby the research will determine which options, be it radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery will provide the best results for the patient and the patient’s life expectancy. At the same time this planning process will also take into serious consideration the patients expectations, anxieties and fears. A very important major factor that should not be overlooked is that surgical treatment of cancer of the Salivary Glands, particularly the salivary glands in front of each ear is dense with facial nerves requiring expert micro surgical skills so as not to damage the nerves. This is because these are the nerves that enable us to have facial expressions and functional uses, therefore nerve preservation is essential priority.
It is imperatively important that the physician explains the risks involved in the surgical treatment of cancer from the Salivary Glands to the patient.